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The Hunter Vampire



I’d love to stalk victims and drain them. To drown myself in debauchery. To revel in all that being a vampire offers.

But, I can’t. I’m too busy hunting my own kind. They need to die. If they didn’t want to be prey, they shouldn’t have made me a hunter.

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The Anti-Guru: Validation & Rationalization



I had a job I hated, a home I never used, a family I rarely saw. But, I convinced myself I was okay, that it was all worth it. That what I did mattered.

I sought validation outside myself and rationalized my whole life to get it. If I’d only known then…

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The Freedom of Acceptance REVISED



When I was newly sober, I felt like every challenge was going to crush me. Everything was fresh, but it all felt like fresh hell. I felt trapped, as if everything was against me; nothing could ever go my way. Life was miserable.

Then, something happened.

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More Coming Soon!
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