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  • McCorkle

Don't Be a F^ckt*rd: Hate

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

You know when it's okay to hate? When you have a very PERSONAL reason to do so. When you've been wronged, personally, and the person you hate is actually the one responsible.

That's it. Any other time, it's just stupid and illogical to hate.

You hate a group of people because they look different than you? You hate a populace because they speak another language? You hate a religion because it's not yours?

Uh... Okay...

What are you, twelve?

"You're different, so you must be bad."


I'm not saying to be all lovey-dovey. I'm not saying to leave your doors unlocked and sell your guns. What I am saying is that hate, this kind of hate, is just an excuse for intolerance. You don't like something, so it must be wrong. If it's wrong, it must be hated.

Instead of all this hatred and intolerant behavior, just let everyone live their lives as they want. As long as they don't hurt anyone else. That's it. That's the litmus test: not hurting others.

If someone - or a group of someones - hasn't done anything wrong and their only offense is that they are different, then your hate is wasted. All that energy, all that time, all that productivity, is gone.

Save your hate for those who deserve it.

Don't be a Fucktard.

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