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  • McCorkle

Don't Be a F^ckt*rd: Prejudice

Do you know when it's okay to judge others based upon your perceived notions of how they are different than you? How about never?

Do you know when institutionalized, ingrained prejudice is called for? I'll give you a hint, not ever.

Unfortunately, stereotypes and misconceptions exist. And, usually, for a reason. That's not to say that they are good reasons. Or, that the reasons for their existence haven't changed or become completely obsolete.

Most prejudices are simply ideas. And, while ideas have a life of their own, they are not reality. Ideas can be changed. Sometimes, this can be difficult. Sometimes these ideas, these concepts of how the world works, are so natural-feeling to those that hold them that to challenge them is to challenge the very foundation that the person has built their life upon.

Uh... so blow that foundation up. Raze it to the ground. Make it rubble.

There is nothing to be gained by allowing others to marginalize another group. There is no advantage to stunting yourself by hating others simply because they're different.

Maybe it gives you a sense of power. Which, makes you feel in control. But, the oppressed ALWAYS rise up, always fight back. So, is it really worth it?


Let people be people. See beyond skin. Beyond ethnicity. Beyond circumstances. Treat people as people. That way leads to freedom and true equality. Legislation won't do it. Social justice can't touch it. Protests and riots will not change things.

Person-to-person. One at a time. Individually, seeing past differences the person seems to possess, that is the way. Don't be controlled by fear of different. Look for sameness.

Don't be a Fucktard.

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