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  • McCorkle

Don't Be a F^ckt*rd: Spouse

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

You know when it's a good time to be discontent with your spouse? To call it quits and sever ties? When there is abuse - physical, mental, emotional or otherwise. Or, if there's infidelity; if they are a cheater. Not really any other time.

They don't have a job? They're lazy and don't help around the house? They have medical issues that prevent them from being productive? These are problems, but not insurmountable.

There are irreconcilable differences? You've grown apart, and can't get that fire back? There's nothing left to your marriage but fighting? Sounds terrible. Maybe divorce is the only option. I don't know. Because these circumstances can lead to cheating and abuse.

A spouse is supposed to be someone with whom you build your life. A spouse is supposed to have your back and help you. A spouse should be there for you.

They've seen you at your best and your worst. They've cleaned you up when you were sick. They know what you look like first thing in the morning. They've smelled your shit and heard your farts.

A good spouse knows your fears and your dreams. A good spouse will help eliminate your nightmares, while at the same time aid you in finding your dreams.

Don't let a little laziness and aimlessness ruin that. If they have the potential to actually do something, let them do it. Therapy might help. Or, it might not. Talking might help. Or, it might not. I don't know.

All I know is that there are spouses who are worth the effort, and there are those who should never be married. To ANYONE.

So the question is: are you a good spouse, one that is worth the effort?

I'm not saying marriage is sacrosanct, and thus divorce is never an option. What I'm saying is that irritations are just that: irritants. There are some things that can be worked through, and if your spouse is worth it, should be. Of course, there are things that shouldn't be worked on, and some people aren't worth it.

Sometimes, it's just not worth the effort. Just make sure that you aren't ruining a potentially great thing, because it might be a little work.

And, make sure that as you are looking at your spouse, that YOU are not the one causing problems.

Don't be a Fucktard.

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